Javier Síale Bonaba Minister of Education,

Javier Siale in Madrd 1999
30th aniverssary  Spanish Black Panther 1988-2018

 Javier Síale Bonaba

Añadir leyenda

 Minister of Education, viceministre of defense and cofunder of Spanish chapter of the New Black Panther Party 1989-1999. 

The 2nd son of 5th, Síale born in Madrid in a military family from Equatorial Guinea in 1973. At 19 years old he joined antifascist SHARP and football supporters Bukaneros from Club Rayo Vallecano. As a teenager in 1988 he joined Free Mandela Movement. During a demostration runing away in front of Apartheid embassy in Madrid he met another young brother, Abuy Nfubea. Inmediatly they became frienship on Cris Hanni and Winnie Mandela path. Antono Olo Andeme a young Dj and Radio 10 Broackaster very close to Stones Disco. Tommy invited them both to attended Fanon studies group at the campus of Alcalá Labor University where he red Amilcar Cabral el arma de la teoría, Heuy P. Newton Morir por el pueblo, Trosky, Sankara, Davis, Linton Kwesi jhonson, Mandela and Malcolm X works. He was deeply inpacted by Kwame Toure book, Black Power.

" My encounter with Father Asier was in the context of Anti Apartheid movilization one year before Mandela leve the prison, thats  meant for me and the rest of the brother and sisters a revolution and a fundamental leap to decide to create something, an black revolutionary organization"

In 1990 during the NAZI terrorist context againts black comunitty in Spain that they finally killed sista Lucrecia Pérez ; Javier, and 4 brave brother more called black youth studient to break with Negroe Studient Association linked with  Iepala whte left Christian organization at Ucm campus. The uncle Tom perspective of this African studients was finally deafeat by B-boys and gangs groups such  Los Colours and recived the supported of MALEVA and his leader the lawyer Dr. Ndjondjo Narciso in Madrid. Siale spoke at Radio 10 Henares calling all B-boys to defend thenself by any means necessary!. 3 week leter they called mass conference in front of Stones disco in Torrejon de Ardoz calling black youth to transform Public Enemy fan club and other gangs in a political black revolutionary organizatión based on the principles of 10 point programe. Siale, Abuy and Tommy; wrote : El Decreto de disolución de las bandas, "Panteras Negras:Hacia la organización de vanguardia and ninguna agresión sin respuesta", 3 historical documents that unificated all street gangs in Madrid (Los Colours, PE fan Club, Simplemente Hermanos & the BRA) This is the beganing of the Black Panthers. 

He organized the delegation to protect Dr. Akinyele Umoja & Dr. Makungo Akinyela when they spoke at Basque Country university in 1993. In 1996 he was one of the personal security for Dr. Arcelin durant his march in defence of Negro de Banyoles in front of Darder Musseum. In 1998 Siale participated at Omowale process and supporting the unification betwen Black Panther and EFA African Philosophy School of Ras Babi Babiker. He diéd in 2002 in Tenerife Canary Island, when he was studing law at UNED University and mlitary. 

Siale died being a member of the management of the OEUA Organization for the United States of Africa in the Canary Islands. Siale, following the best 2pac and Huey p Newton Garveyist tradition, was a key theorist for the Spanish chapter of Black Panthers, which profoundly affected the whole African movement and precisely because he was a militant and key leader in the Afrocentric revolutionary practice. Do not try that FOJA solve everyone's problems. That obviously can not solve them. Javier's work is positive in that it is useful for new generations to see that a large part of the reparation strategy that led to PNL 2010 shares its objectives, which are not alone. But neither the heiresses from the panthers such as Parlamento Negro, Federación panafricanista, Fundación Vida grupo ecológico verde, CARE, wanafrica, afroconciencia, Black Barcelona,  FAAM nor any Garveyist Pan-Africanist movement nor the internet organizations, however big, can solve the problems of the youth and the black community as a whole. Only the marroons; the panthers can solve their problems. That's why I believe that Siale's great operation was that he believed that we should always prioritize the organization ... and Marcus Garvey said that only an organized people can achieve the goals to which they aspire. Some Negroes want to invented on him but We must love and remember this great brother.


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